Newsletter 06.03.2025

Principal’s Welcome


Important Dates

Friday 7th March

  • Leadership Academy Move More

Tuesday 11th March 

  • Year 9 Football Fixture vs Pittville
  • Year 12 Climate and Environment Careers talk (Deloitte)
  • Y10 Maths Feast Challenge

Wednesday 12th March 

  • Bronze DofE Training

Monday 17th March

  • Visit to ‘The Great Debates’ at University of Gloucester, Park Campus EPQ students

Tuesday 18th March 

  • Marie Curious Science trip
  • Parents and Carers Prayer session
  • Year 12 AI careers talk (Deloitte)
  • Year 8 Football – ASA Vs Cleeve
  • Year 9 Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 19th March

  • Year 9 Football fixture – ASA Vs High School Leckhampton
  • Year 7&8 Netball fixture – ASA Vs Winchcombe
  • Bronze DofE Training

Year 11 & Year 13 Mocks

This week marks the start of an important period for our Year 11 and Year 13 students as they begin their mock exams. We commend them for their hard work and dedication, and we encourage them to stay focused and do their best. Remember, these exams are a great opportunity to practice and prepare for the final assessments later in the year.


Download the MyChildAtSchool App now!

From the evening of Friday 7th March, you will no longer be able to add money to your child’s account via ParentMail. Any remaining funds in ParentMail will be automatically transferred to MCAS for you.

To continue adding funds, please ensure you have downloaded the MCAS app. Please see our previous emails regarding how to sign up.

If you experience any issues with the app, please email with:
✅ Your name
✅ Your child’s name
✅ Details of the issue

National Careers Week

This week is National Careers Week – a week dedicated to promoting careers education, information, advice and guidance across the UK. Last Thursday we hosted our annual Careers Festival for students from Year 8 to Year 13. The festival was attended by universities, colleges, a range of businesses and two of our fantastic alumni who came back to speak to students about careers in politics and aeronautical engineering. This week, we encourage you to talk to your children about careers they learnt about at the festival – you could use the Talking Futures website which guides parents on having careers conversations with their children, or you could use the Prospects website to explore job profiles and sectors. There is also a range of great local career events for parents/carers and students coming up, including an event on the 25th March from 4.30-6.30 at Gloucestershire College about careers in the cyber and digital sector – find out more here.
Over the coming months, Mrs Farrow, our new Careers Lead and Careers Advisor, will ensure students in Years 10, 11, and 12 have access to advice and guidance about their future options.

Attendance Matters: Keep the Streak Going!

We’re well into the term, and our attendance challenges are in full swing! It’s great to see so many students turning up every day and giving your tutor groups a strong start.

The 35-Day Attendance Streak Challenge – If your child has been in every single day so far, they’re still on track to earn a reward at the end of term!

The Tutor Group Race – Full attendance for a whole tutor group earns a star on the chart. 10 stars = £10 in the pot for an epic end-of-year treat! And guess what? 10G has already hit the first 10 stars! Congratulations.

There’s still plenty of time to make every day count. Let’s see which tutor groups will rise to the challenge and who will be celebrating at the end of term!


This term sees the start of the Lent season – Wednesday 5th March being Ash Wednesday – and the Chaplaincy Department invites students and staff to embrace this time of reflection, prayer, and renewal. Lent is a special period in the Christian calendar, that encourages us to focus on spiritual growth, acts of kindness, and self-discipline. Our Academy community has marked the beginning of this journey with a Lent-focused Collective Worship, reminding us of the values of humility, compassion and our termly value reconciliation.

Throughout Lent, we will offer opportunities for prayer and personal reflection, with this taking a particular focus during Prayer Week (17th – 21st March), we hope this will help everyone to prepare for Easter with a renewed heart and spirit. Stay tuned for more updates on our Chaplaincy initiatives, and let’s support one another in making this season meaningful!

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