News & Events

Jose is flying high

12th March 2019

A big congratulations to Sixth Form student Jose who was recently awarded a place in the RAFAC National Choir. Only two spaces have gone to CCF students and Jose is the only one from a state school! This is a huge honour, Jose will attend a week long camp in April, a camp in August and then…

Alumnus Josh hits the Catwalk

20th February 2019

All Saints' Academy alumnus Josh Domm got a head start with his future career when he gained a glamorous work placement at one of London’s biggest fashion events. Josh, who is currently in his first year studying Events Management at University of Greenwich, London, has just finished working at London Fashion Week. Josh commented “Living…

Famelab Academy

7th February 2019

FameLab Academy is a competition for Year 9 students in Gloucestershire sponsored by EDF energy. Students have three minutes to explain a scientific topic in a dynamic and engaging way to a panel of judges. They are judged on clarity, content and charisma. The winner from each school receives a Masterclass in communication training, a work…

Students amaze audiences with Les Miserables School Edition

6th February 2019

Ninety students from All Saints’ Academy took part in their biggest musical production yet, Les Misérables School Edition. Students from Year 7 to Year 13 took on roles of the cast and crew to bring the revolution to life. The musical is set against the backdrop of 19th century France and tells an enthralling story…

Alumnus highly commended for A Level Short Film at BFI

5th February 2019

On Friday the 8th February, former All Saints' Academy Sixth Former Joseph Harries and Film Studies teacher Mr Wright will be attending the British Film Institute where Joe’s short film ‘Identity’ has been ‘Highly Commended’ in the EDUQAS National Student Film Awards. Joe’s film is an animated short film, inspired by the works of Aardman Animation…

CAFOD Young Volunteers Day

22nd January 2019

“My dear young people a better world can be built as a result of our efforts, your desire to change and your generosity.” Pope Francis On Tuesday 22nd January, All Saints’ hosted the second session of the CAFOD Young Volunteers Programme for Year 10 students. The seven Year 10 members of the ASA Chaplaincy Team…

A community that cares, volunteering scheme a success!

10th December 2018

Since the start of the new school year, All Saints’ Academy has been running their first ‘volunteering scheme’ designed to get students out into the community and spending time with people in different settings. The first phase of the scheme was the re-introduction of the Academy’s visits to Sandfields Care Home on St George’s road….

Local businesses donate to enhance Academy learning

19th November 2018

All Saints’ Academy’s Design Technology Department is benefitting from the strong relationships it has forged with local industry companies. Generous businesses throughout Gloucestershire will provide materials and resources along with their industry skills and knowledge to aid in the Academy’s student learning experience. Roderick of Ball’s Grinding, Paul Bence and his team at Bence Building…

Alumnus Nick produces video for BBC Points West

19th October 2018

Nick Davis is in the middle with Eddie the Eagle one of the subjects of his latest project   All Saints' Academy alumnus Nick Davis is paving his way to success within the television industry.  Nick graduated All Saints’ Academy Sixth Form in 2016 and is now in his 3rd year studying Television Production at the…

All Saints’ celebrates another record breaking set of GCSE results

23rd August 2018

In the year when all students across the country take the toughest GCSE examinations ever, All Saints’ Academy students pushed on to achieve their best ever GCSE English and Maths results heralding another record-breaking year! An outstanding 10% improvement at grades 9-4 (A*-C) included a significant number of excellent grades at the higher-level grades of…

Academy Life
