News & Events

Launch of the Cheltenham Education Partnership

10th November 2019

The Cheltenham Education Partnership (CEP) is made up of nine schools, including Cheltenham College, as well as charities and local organisations within Cheltenham, that aim to work together to ensure that the best interests of young people are at the heart of education initiatives in Cheltenham. The driving ambition of the Partnership is to expand…

All Saints’ put on a dreamy performance at The Roses Theatre

6th November 2019

DREAMY PERFORMANCE AS ALL SAINTS' DRAMA STUDENTS ROCK AT THE ROSES THEATRE  Review by Miss Rawlings On a cold winters evening a packed audience were transported to a sublime and balmy Athens for a Midsummer Night’s Dream. All Saints' Academy’s very own talented drama students offered their audience a delightful performance at Tewkesbury’s Roses Theatre…

Alumnus Lilly awarded a first class honours degree

11th October 2019

We caught up with alumnus Lilly Green who graduated from the University of Hull this year. Lilly achieved a fantastic first class degree in Sport and Exercise Nutrition BSc (Hons).   What was your biggest achievement at university? Attaining a first class degree! And being the first in my family to attend university. What did you enjoy most…

Students to perform at The Roses Theatre for the Shakespeare Schools Festival

9th October 2019

Students from Year 7 to 13 will be treading The Roses Theatre boards on the 5th November this year. Thirty five All Saints' Academy students will be putting on an exciting performance of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' as part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival.  Alongside All Saints' Academy other schools will also be taking to the…

Marcelina snaps her way to success

7th October 2019

All Saints’ Academy A Level student, Marcelina, took her passion for fashion photography to Milan when she completed a work experience assignment with a professional team. Marcelina, 17, who studies Photography, Psychology and Art, worked with renowned fashion photographer Sara El Beshbichi throughout Milano Fashion Week. Marcelina was assigned the planning of two photo shoots…

GCSE Results 2019

22nd August 2019

For the third consecutive year, All Saints’ Academy students have achieved the best results in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science. In particular results in English and Science are now well above national average.  More than 40% of students gained Grades 7-9 (A**- A equivalent) in Physics, Chemistry and Biology this year. As…

A Level Results Day 2019

15th August 2019

All Saints’ Academy celebrates another year of record breaking A Level results which includes a significant improvement in higher level passes at A*- A, A* -B and A*-C, which have all improved by 5% or more this year. Principal Dermot McNiffe said, “Again, our students have had some fantastic results this year and I am…

Tanzania 2020 complete sponsored triathlon

11th July 2019

Our Tanzania 2020 team have been busy fundraising for their trip with a sponsored triathlon today. They have rowed the width of Lake Tanganyika (72km), cycled the width of Arusha National Park (137km) and walked the width of Mount Kilimanjaro (40km). This is our first group fundraising task, every person going on the trip has a…

Alumnus Kuba paves his way to stardom

16th May 2019

Former All Saints’ Academy student Kuba Sprenger has been cast in a major new BBC production. Currently filming in Northern Ireland, The Children is a powerful drama depicting the experiences of the child Holocaust survivors who escaped to the Lake District following World War II. Up to 1000 children were granted the right to come to…

Comic Relief Musical Medley

18th March 2019

Students and staff at All Saints’ Academy took to the stage to perform a Musical Medley in aid of Comic Relief on Red Nose Day this year. Students from Year 7 to Year 13 chose their favourite songs from musicals to perform to a packed audience on Friday 15th March. Some of the most brilliant…

Academy Life
