Offer of Early Help

We understand that family life can sometimes be challenging, and we recognise that there may be times that our young people and their families need some help. 

If you are worried and feel that you need some support, please do talk to us so that we can think together about how to access the right help at the right time. 

Our Early Help offer identifies the need to support our young people and families as soon as problems emerge or if there is the likelihood that problems will develop in the future. Alongside this, help is also available through the Gloucestershire Early Help and Targeted Support Service, which is made up of local teams of professionals who deliver practical advice and support to children, young people and their families.  

Further info on the Gloucestershire Early Help Service can be found here:  

It’s important to say that, before we can start to work with your family, we need your consent. The work we would do together is confidential and you will be asked for permission for us to speak with other relevant professionals on your behalf before we do so, unless there is a danger that doing so might put someone at risk of harm. 

Early Help at All Saints’ Academy is offered through the following areas, working in collaboration with partner agencies: 

  • Emotional wellbeing and mental health support 
  • Behaviour support 
  • Parenting skills 
  • School attendance 
  • Developmental and learning concerns 
  • Identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 
  • Domestic abuse and domestic violence 
  • Youth violence 
  • Gender based violence 
  • Parental mental health  
  • Healthy lifestyles 
  • Family support 

If you are worried and feel you might need some help, or if you just want talk things through, please contact Jamie Newstead, our Leader of Pastoral Support, Beth Walton, our Education Welfare Officer for Inclusion, Wellbeing and Families, or Laura Herrick, Assistant Vice Principal by calling 01242 711200 or by emailing  

Useful links:  

Academy Life
