Loaves and Fishes Restaurant

Loaves and Fishes is our Academy restaurant, located centrally within the Academy.

We run a breakfast club in our dining hall from 8:00 8:30 a.m. every weekday during term time. A variety of food is provided, e.g. toast with a range of spreads, sausage sandwiches, and fruit juice. We are also proud to be part of the National School Breakfast Programme and we offer free bagels and four healthy different cereals to all students. 

Food can be purchased at break-time when a range of hot and cold snacks are available and at lunchtime, when students and staff can purchase either a Meal of the Day, the Meal Deal for £2.50, or a range of sandwiches, rolls, salads and other hot and cold snacks can be bought. A range of healthy drinks are available.  

Alternatively, you may wish for your child to bring a packed lunch.  

Free School Meals  

  • Free school meals provision carries over from the primary school and you will not need to reapply.
  • A daily allowance of £2.50 will be credited to your child’s account each day. Any leftover money is not carried over to the following day. 

If you need to apply for free school meals please contact Gloucestershire Free School Meals.


Lunch Menu

Week 1 Menu

Week 2 Menu

Week 3 Menu

Academy Life
