Leagues4you and The Joanna Brown Trust donates sports kit to Africa Mission Trip

Posted: 23rd June 2017

On Thursday 22nd June our Africa Mission Trip received kind donations from Leagues4you and The Joanna Brown Trust. 

Netball bibs and shirts, footballs, rounders sets and lanyards were all given to the Africa Mission Team who will be leaving for their trip of a lifetime in July this year.

Miss Morley said 'We are so pleased that Leagues4you and the Joanna Brown Trust are supporting our mission to Tanzania. Their amazing donations of rounders and netball kits and equipment is going to make such a huge difference to the students that we work with when we are there. Thank you so much!'

Thank you to everyone who has donated and helped with fundraising for the mission trip that will see 12 students and 4 staff going to work with our partner school in Kasulu, Tanzania.

Categories: Academy News

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